Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Easter Egg Hunt – 24 February 2012

In this Diamond Jubilee year, London has an Easter egg hunt, the aim of which is to break the Guiness World record for the most people participating in an Easter egg hunt.

We helped boost the numbers today, by having a go ourselves. Each egg is 2.5 ft high, and hidden in plain sight in various areas in London. Each egg found gives a chance to win the competition for a Faberge Diamond Jubilee Egg.

We started in The City, where eggs were lurking around the Royal Exchange, in front of the Gherkin and many other spots.

A side trip across the Thames to Southwick Cathedral, took us to see their Easter installation of the 'Die Harder' sculpture. Made with coat hangers, it is a crucifixion sculpture with a difference.

After lunch, we spent the afternoon hunting for eggs in the Docklands area. This is one of our favorite modern parts of London, and here the eggs were hidden in various squares, as well as in the shopping centres.

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